Kontak Kami

A laptop with a financial website open is centered on a white table. The screen displays a mint green background with text related to commission-free stock trading, accompanied by a gold object resembling a bridge. To the left, a smartphone displays a financial app with a graph and monetary figure. A cup of coffee sits on the right side, adding a casual work environment atmosphere.
A laptop with a financial website open is centered on a white table. The screen displays a mint green background with text related to commission-free stock trading, accompanied by a gold object resembling a bridge. To the left, a smartphone displays a financial app with a graph and monetary figure. A cup of coffee sits on the right side, adding a casual work environment atmosphere.

Hubungi PT Solusi Kapital Nusantara untuk saran strategis dan bantuan proses IPO perusahaan Anda.

Lokasi Kami

Kunjungi PT Solusi Kapital Nusantara untuk mendapatkan saran strategis dan bantuan dalam proses IPO perusahaan Anda.


Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 10


Senin - Jumat