black and brown leather padded tub sofa

Layanan IPO Terbaik untuk Perusahaan Anda

Konsultasi strategis untuk melantai di pasar saham

Strategi IPO

Bantuan dalam proses penawaran umum perdana

Meningkatkan dana dan mengelola laba perusahaan

Tim profesional siap mendukung perusahaan Anda

Pengaturan Ulang
Konsultasi Bisnis

Tentang Solusi Kapital Nusantara

Kami membantu perusahaan melantai di pasar saham dengan strategi dan dukungan profesional yang tepat.

A person is looking at a computer screen displaying a document titled 'Overview - All Private Equity - Fundraising, Investments, & D'. The document contains statistical charts and graphs related to private equity market statistics from 2007 to 2022. Various tabs and functions like 'File', 'Home', 'Insert', and 'Design' are visible in the interface.
A person is looking at a computer screen displaying a document titled 'Overview - All Private Equity - Fundraising, Investments, & D'. The document contains statistical charts and graphs related to private equity market statistics from 2007 to 2022. Various tabs and functions like 'File', 'Home', 'Insert', and 'Design' are visible in the interface.



Kepercayaan Klien

Pengalaman Terbukti

Layanan Kami

Kami membantu perusahaan melantai di pasar saham dengan saran strategis dan pengelolaan yang tepat.

A book titled 'Private Equity at Work' is positioned prominently on a wooden surface in the foreground. In the background, a group of people in business attire are engaged in conversation, suggesting a professional setting such as a conference or networking event.
A book titled 'Private Equity at Work' is positioned prominently on a wooden surface in the foreground. In the background, a group of people in business attire are engaged in conversation, suggesting a professional setting such as a conference or networking event.
Saran Strategis

Memberikan panduan untuk strategi yang efektif dalam persiapan proses IPO dan pengelolaan perusahaan.

Pengelolaan Dana

Membantu meningkatkan dana dan mengelola laba untuk pertumbuhan perusahaan yang berkelanjutan.

Proyek Kami

Kami membantu perusahaan melantai di pasar saham dengan strategi.

Two business cards placed on a white sheet. The cards are orange and dark blue, each with the text 'CASTRO CAPITAL' printed in uppercase.
Two business cards placed on a white sheet. The cards are orange and dark blue, each with the text 'CASTRO CAPITAL' printed in uppercase.
Pendanaan IPO

Kami memberikan bantuan dalam meningkatkan dana dan mengelola laba untuk proses IPO yang sukses bagi perusahaan Anda.

A bustling exhibition hall filled with people attending a financial conference or trade event. Prominent displays and booths from companies like Scope Markets, Daman Markets, and Hantec Markets are visible. Attendees are engaged in conversations, networking, and exploring the offerings and information provided by the exhibitors.
A bustling exhibition hall filled with people attending a financial conference or trade event. Prominent displays and booths from companies like Scope Markets, Daman Markets, and Hantec Markets are visible. Attendees are engaged in conversations, networking, and exploring the offerings and information provided by the exhibitors.
Strategi Bisnis

Kami menawarkan saran strategis dan bantuan dalam mengatur ulang perusahaan untuk mencapai tujuan bisnis yang diinginkan.